
2002 Manchester Commonwealth Games Collection

Drawing of details of cover plate and gasket for driving wheel axle boxes

2 items

Granada Television Scripts for Coronation Street

237 items

Archives relating to Cosgrove Hall Films and the Series 'Bill and Ben'

4 boxes and 1 tube of rolled drawings

Archaeological Archive for Flint Glassworks, Manchester

2 boxes plus site drawings

Archaeological Archive for Moore's Mill, New Islington Wharf

1 item

Publication relating to the NHS’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme


British windmills: a bibliographic guide

1 item

Publication relating to the NHS’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme

2 items

Publications relating to the NHS’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme

0.3 linear metres

Archaeological Archive for Macintosh Mill

4 items

Material relating to the "Mark & Lard" Show

3 items

Collection of Newspapers Printed by Trafford Park Printers

1 box

Archaeological Archive for Piccadilly Place, Manchester

The papers are the associated technical documents for development of the Central Tracking Detector (CTD) for the ZEUS experiment, Germany’s DESY accelerator. They include lab notebooks, project reports, photographs, engineering drawings, technical proposals, technical reports, and project videos. In addition to scientific and technical papers, the archive includes papers relating to project budgets and the transportation of equipment between England and Germany. The CTD was designed and built by a consortium of several UK institutes, including Oxford University, Imperial, UCL, Bristol, RAL, and Glasgow. It sat at the heart of the ZEUS detector, with the wider experiment involving 450 physicists and engineers from institutes around the world. ZEUS was run on the Hadron-Electron Ring Accelerator (HERA) at DESY in Hamburg. Techniques developed for the CTD are now used in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

Documents related to development of the ZEUS Central Tracking Detector.

1 bankers box; 0.50 linear metres

GM Archive / Martin Livermore collection comprising material about genetically modified crops and agricultural biotechnology

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: newspaper cuttings and press releases

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: newspaper cuttings and press releases

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: newspaper cuttings and press releases

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: newspaper cuttings and coverage

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: newspaper cuttings and press releases

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Siding Rent: British Rail

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: newspaper cuttings and press releases

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: newspaper cuttings and press releases

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: newspaper cuttings and press releases

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: newspaper cuttings and press releases

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: newspaper cuttings and press releases

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Committees: Management team, (heads of department group)

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: Press Cuttings, 2004-02-12 to 2004-02-28.

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: Press Cuttings, 2005-07-29 to 2005-08-17.

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: Press Cuttings, 2005-09-06 to 2005-09-30.

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: Press Cuttings, 2005-06-08 to 2005-07-14.

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: Press Cuttings, 2005-07-07 to 2005-07-30.

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: National Railway Museum Reserve Collection Centre: Main Building Layout - Platform/Wind Turbine/Water Tower

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: National Railway Museum Reserve Collection Centre: Platform Edge Setting Out

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: National Railway Museum Reserve Collection Centre: Blockwork Setting Out - Sheet 1 of 3

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: National Railway Museum Reserve Collection Centre: Main Building Layout - Sheet 2 of 3

1 CD disk and 5 bundles

Email correspondence

1 folder

Notes and Acetates for History Talk

1 item

A Short History of the

1 item

Network Group Meeting Minutes (1999)

1 item

The Oil Lamp

One file

Examples of club stationary

2 volumes

Legal advice to the defendants

1 volume

Administration bundle

1 volume

Evidence to the Select Committee on Transport

1 item

Re-amended defence

1 item

Order on case management conference and applications

1 item

Claim form

1 volume

Statements of case and orders